ESDU Controls and Flaps Segment
The ESDU Aerodynamics information contains a wide and ever-increasing range of data and methods applicable to the project design of aircraft, guided weapons, space rockets, etc. Data are given concerning general aerodynamics, including properties of the atmosphere; aerodynamics of airframe components, including the effect of power plant/airframe interactions for propeller-powered and jet aircraft; aerodynamics of the effect of surface imperfections on drag; aerodynamics of controls, flaps and leading-edge devices; aircraft stability, including derivative estimation; and aerodynamics of internal flow systems, including propulsion systems.
The Controls and Flaps Segment focuses on:
- Controls - Lift, Pitching Moment, Rolling Moment, Drag and Hinge Moment
- Flaps - General, Lift: Aerofoils, Wings, Curve, Pitching Moment, and Drag
This Collection contains:
Organisational Documents
Controls - Lift, Pitching Moment, Rolling Moment, Yawing Moment and Drag
ESDU 21005
Summary of Data Items on Controls -
ESDU AERO C.01.01.03
Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (a2)0 -
ESDU AERO C.01.01.04
Effect of gap on the slope of lift curve and slope of lift increment curve due to control surface deflection. -
ESDU AERO C.08.01.01
Rate of change of pitching moment coefficient with control deflection for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, m0 -
ESDU 74011
Rate of change of lift coefficient with control deflection for full-span plain controls. -
ESDU 74012
Conversion of lift coefficient increment due to flaps from full span to part span. -
Derivation of part span factors for lift and rolling moment -
ESDU 76026
Lift and drag due to spoiler operation in the ground run. -
ESDU 87008
Rudder sideforce, yawing moment and rolling moment control derivatives at low speeds: Yζ , Nζ and Lζ -
ESDU 88013
Rolling moment derivative, Lξ for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 88029
Yawing moment coefficient for plain ailerons at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 88040
Program for calculation of aileron rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 14004
Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps undeployed -
ESDU 14005
Lift and rolling moment due to spoilers on wings at subsonic speeds with trailing-edge flaps deployed -
ESDU 96026
Drag and yawing moment due to spoilers.
ESDU 21005
Controls - Hinge Moment
ESDU AERO C.04.01.00
Introduction to Data Items on control hinge moments. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.01
Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with incidence for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b1)0 -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.02
Rate of change of hinge-moment coefficient with control deflection for a plain control in incompressible two-dimensional flow, (b2)0 -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.03
Effect of nose balance on two-dimensional control hinge-moment coefficients. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.04
Effect of Irving internal balance on hinge-moment coefficient in two-dimensional flow. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.06
Full-span control hinge-moment coefficient derivatives for unswept wings in incompressible flow with allowance for spanwise variation of sectional properties. -
ESDU AERO C.04.01.08
Control hinge-moment coefficient derivative due to tab. -
ESDU 88003
Effect of unshielded and shielded horn balances on hinge moment coefficients for controls at low speeds. -
ESDU 89009
Hinge moment coefficient derivatives for trailing-edge controls on wings at subsonic speeds. -
ESDU 89010
Example of procedure in calculation of control hinge moments.
ESDU AERO C.04.01.00
Flaps - General
ESDU 97002
Information on the use of Data Items on high-lift devices. -
ESDU 97003
Fuselage interference effects on flap characteristics.
ESDU 97002
Flaps - Lift: Aerofoils
ESDU 94026
Introduction to the estimation of the lift coefficients at zero angle of attack and at maximum lift for aerofoils with high-lift devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 94027
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of various leading-edge high-lift devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 94028
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a plain trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94029
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a trailing-edge split flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94030
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a single-slotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU 94031
Increments in aerofoil lift coefficient at zero angle of attack and in maximum lift coefficient due to deployment of a double-slotted or triple-slotted trailing-edge flap, with or without a leading-edge high-lift device, at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.05.01.01
Normal force on flaps and controls.
ESDU 94026
Flaps - Lift: Wings
ESDU 74009
Lift coefficient increment at low speeds due to full-span split flaps. -
ESDU 91014
Maximum lift of wings with trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 92031
Maximum lift of wings with leading-edge devices and trailing-edge flaps deployed. -
ESDU 93019
Wing lift increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of single-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 95021
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of double-slotted or triple-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 96032
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge devices at low speeds. -
ESDU 97009
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 97011
Wing lift coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of plain trailing-edge flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.01.01.08
Lift coefficient increment due to full-span slotted flaps. -
ESDU AERO F.01.01.09
Lift coefficient increment due to full-span double flap (main flap slotted).
ESDU 74009
Flaps - Lift Curve
ESDU 96003
Lift curve of wings with high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. -
ESDU 99031
Computer program for estimation of lift curve to maximum lift for wing-fuselage combinations with high-lift devices at low speeds.
ESDU 96003
Flaps - Pitching Moment
ESDU 98009
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge split flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 98017
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge plain flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 99004
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge single-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 99014
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of trailing-edge double-slotted and triple-slotted flaps at low speeds. -
ESDU 00029
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge high-lift devices. -
ESDU 01013
Aerofoil and wing pitching moment coefficient increment at zero angle of attack due to deployment of leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices in combination at low speeds. -
ESDU 03017
Pitching moment curve of wings with leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed at low speeds. -
ESDU AERO F.08.01.01
Pitching moment coefficient increment due to flaps for unswept wings. -
ESDU AERO F.08.01.02
Increment to Cm 0 due to flaps on swept-back wings. -
Estimation of nacelle and flap effects on low-speed aerodynamic centre and zero-lift pitching moment of transport aircraft (tail-off)
ESDU 98009
Flaps - Drag
ESDU AERO F.02.01.06
Profile drag coefficient increment due to full-span single-slotted flaps (Handley Page and NACA types). -
ESDU AERO F.02.01.07
Conversion factor for profile drag increment for part-span flaps. -
Derivations of equations for profile drag increment conversion factors for part-span flaps -
ESDU AERO F.02.01.08
Vortex drag coefficient of wing with part-span flap and central cut-out. -
ESDU 74010
Low-speed drag coefficient increment at zero lift due to full-span split flaps. -
ESDU 87005
Increment in aerofoil profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap. -
ESDU 87024
Low-speed drag coefficient increment at constant lift due to full-span plain flaps. -
ESDU 01007
Trailing vortex drag factors for wings with part-span trailing-edge plain flaps. -
ESDU 06014
Zero-lift drag coefficient increment due to full-span plain flaps. -
ESDU 08013
Increment in wing profile drag coefficient due to the deployment of a single-slotted flap.
ESDU AERO F.02.01.06