Product Videos
An Introduction to ESDU
Learn about ESDU and the solutions that it has to offer. This presentation includes an
introduction to ESDU and its committees, an explanation of the types of information ESDU
has to offer, and examples of applications of ESDU related to lug design and bolted joints.
MMDH Overview
This video explains the origins, structure, validation and
use of the
Metallic Materials Data Handbook (MMDH),
including an example of using the advanced search facility for
a specific application. It also clarifies how ESDU Clients can seek
expert help on aerospace materials from the ESDU Engineers.
Design of Pin Joints: Why Finite Element Analysis can be misleading
'Conventional' (ie linear elastic) stress analysis of Pin-jointed connections is usually carried out
using FEA software and typically results in overly conservative designs. However, lugs operate safely
within the elasto-plastic range of the material and Aerospace designers must approach the design of such
components using a validated method that is acceptable to the FAA, EASA, CAA etc. This presentation
demonstrates a method that satisfies this requirement, and includes the effects of pin/hole clearance,
lug thickness, other geometric ratios and the inclusion of non-isotropic material properties.
Design of Bolted Joints: Considerations that if neglected can be disastrous
This presentation discusses the limitations of commonly taught analyses for practical bolted joints and show
the effect on joint integrity of even moderate temperature changes and potential procedural lapses during assembly.
This is followed by a demonstration of methods of applying, measuring and maintaining pretension in steel bolts
and the qualities of lock nuts and other thread locking devices, including the "Double plain lock nut" method.
These topics are underpinned by validated (and frequently unpublished) experimental data, including fatigue
endurance (S-N) curves.
Design of Welded Joints: Analysis that, if wrongly applied, can be disastrous
This presentation reviews published analyses of welded joints, including the use of finite element analysis,
and discusses their stated assumptions and subsequent applicability in practice. It then presents a guide
to the use of ESDU Data Items on the fatigue strength of butt and fillet welded joints in steels, including
design guidance and unpublished S-N Curve endurance test-based data. The contrast between these validated
methods and more conservative welding standards is explored.
Finding tools to design bonded joints
Typically, engineers spend 30 to 50% of their valuable time searching for information. Within three minutes,
using the Accuris Engineering Workbench, EWB, the initial list of over 30 million documents containing the
phrase "bonded joint" is reduced to 24 validated ESDU Data Items covering all aspects of the design of
a bonded joint.
Design of Bonded Joints: Insights in ESDU
In the previous video ("Finding tools to design bonded joints", above), using the Accuris Engineering Workbench,
24 ESDU Documents related to the Design of Bonded Joints were identified. In this video, we examine the
actual content within ESDU related to the design of bonded joints.