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Principal Axes
Planar Shapes and Sections With/Without Holes
program to determine, 02007, TM 119
Principal Strains and Stresses
Calculation From Combined Strains, 72013
Calculation From Combined Stresses, 72013
Calculation From Strain Gauge Data, 72014
Orientation Angle
calculation from combined strains, 72013
calculation from combined stresses, 72013
calculation from strain gauge data, 72014
Principal Stress Criterion
Criteria of Yielding and Failure, STRUCT 02.00.00
Printed-Circuit Heat Exchangers
see also
Heat Exchangers
Detailed Cost Data for Various Fluids as Function of Heat Load and Operating Pressure, 92013
use in selection of heat exchanger type for given duty, 92013
see also
Density and Distribution Functions
Random Processes
Turbulence Near Ground
First and Third (Weibull) Smallest Extreme-Value Statistics
use in analysis of extreme wind speeds, 87034
Use of Probability Grids, 91017
example of application in autoland touchdown dispersion analysis, 91019
Process Integration
see also
Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers
Water Conservation in Process Plants
For Energy Targeting and Heat Exchanger Network Design in Batch Process Plants
composite and grand composite curves and their use, 90033
examples of application to chemical plants and a building, 90033
general guidance on and introduction to methodology, 90033
time slice model, 90033
types of streams, 90033
use of heat storage and systems available, 90033
use of rescheduling, 90033
For Energy Targeting and Heat Exchanger Network Design in Continuous Process Plants
composite and grand composite curves and their use, 87030
examples of application to single plant and complete site, 87030
general guidance on and introduction to methodology, 87030
guide to use of program INTEGRITY, 00043
identifying and using process changes, 90033
interval temperature and minimum allowable temperature difference, 87030
introduction of pumparound, or intermediate condenser or reboiler, 90033
methods of splitting streams, 87030
optimisation of heat exchanger area, 87030
pinch violation, avoidance and relaxation, 87030
pitfalls and refinements in application of method, 87030
problem table or heat cascade and its use, 87030
program for decomposition analysis, 00043
program to calculate hot and cold utility consumption and costs, 00043
program to calculate number of shells and minimum area, 00043
program to derive composite and grand composite curves, 00043
program to derive driving force plot, 00043
program to derive plots of utility consumption and minimum area, 00043
program to determine pinch location, 00043
split composite curve used in process change, 90033
stream definition, 87030
To Optimise Hot and Cold Utility Use in Process Plants
basic thermodynamic principles of heat engines and heat pumps, 89001
case studies of application, 89001
combined heat and power systems, 89001
criteria for selection of utility and fitting to grand composite curve, 89001
types of heat pumps and selection, 89001
use of diesel engines, or gas or steam turbines, 89001
utility pinch and effect on utility placement, 89001
Process-Lubricated Journal Bearings
Journal Bearings
Profile Drag
see also
Magnification of Excrescence Drag By Pressure Gradient
Aerofoils, AERO W.02.04.00, AERO W.02.04.02, AERO W.02.04.03, AERO W.S.02.04.13
comparison of results from VGK with experimental results, 96028
effect of leading- and/or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 01033, 96028, 96029
estimation in viscous subsonic or transonic flow using VGK, 96028, 96029
estimation of minimum for cambered or uncambered with fixed transition, 00027
program to predict minimum for subcritical speeds, 06020
variation of minimum with Mach number below drag rise, 00027
Aerofoils With Roof-Top Pressure Distribution at Drag Rise, 67011
Aircraft Undercarriage
fixed or retractable, 79015
Angle-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
effects of interference when used in X- or T-configuration, 82007
Biconvex Aerofoils, AERO W.S.02.04.13
Bodies of Elliptical Cross-Section at Zero Angle of Attack
tentative method for estimation in subcritical flow, 78019
Bodies of Revolution at Zero Incidence
estimation in subcritical flow, 78019
illustrations of effect of varying body geometry, 78019
Canopy for Fighter Type Aircraft, 67041
Channel-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
effects of interference when used in H-configuration, 82007
Circular-Section Cylinders
infinite in two-dimensional flow, 83025
normal to flat plate, 83025
Circular-Section Cylinders (Parallel-Sided, Stepped or Tapered)
effects of isolated spanwise protuberances including helical strakes, 81017
effects of open top or efflux on local at top, 81017
local and overall on surface-mounted in turbulent shear flow, 81017
overall in uniform flow, 81017
Contributions to and Methods of Estimation, 97016
variation with geometry and Mach number, 81024
Definition, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.02.04.13
Double-Wedge Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
Elliptical-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
effects of incidence and section aspect ratio, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
Flat Plates With Turbulent Boundary Layer
guide to alleviation of base drag, 10017
means of prediction, 10016
Frameworks of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81027
effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81027
effects of incidence and yaw, turbulence and velocity profile, 81027
effects of interference on any frame of two or more in parallel, 81027
effects of roughness, taper and solidity, 81027
increment due to rear fuselage upsweep, 80006
H-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
Introduction to Data Items on Effect of High-Lift Devices on, 97002
I-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
Lattice Towers of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81028
effects of chord member arrangement, 81028
effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81028
effects of incidence, turbulence and velocity profile, 81028
effects of roughness and solidity, 81028
Multiple Parallel Frameworks of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81027
discussion of effects of incidence and yaw, 81027
effects of frame spacing and solidity, 81027
effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81027
effects of roughness for tubular members, 81027
effects of turbulence and velocity profile, 81027
Multi-Sided Circular-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding, number of sides and turbulence, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
Multi-Sided Elliptical-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding, section shape and turbulence, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Aligned With Flow
effects of roughness and spacing, 84015
effects of subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
on downstream or upstream cylinder, 84015
Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Inclined to Flow
effects of axis inclination, 84015
effects of roughness and spacing, 84015
effects of subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
on downstream or upstream cylinder, 84015
Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Normal to Flow
effects of spacing in either subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
Paraboloidal Antennas
discussion of hysteresis effects, 82031
effects of focal length, incidence, shear flow and turbulence, 82031
effects of perforated or slatted surface, 82031
effects of shear flow, 82031
Plain Flaps, 06014, 87024, AERO F.02.01.07
Rectangular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
blockage effects in ducts, 71016, 80024, 81021
effects of edge rounding, 71016, 80003
effects of section aspect ratio and turbulence in uniform flow, 71016
effects of section aspect ratio, incidence and turbulence in shear flow, 80003
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 80003
Single-Slotted Flaps, 08013, 87005, AERO F.02.01.06, AERO F.02.01.07
Single-Slotted Flaps
Split Flaps, 74010, AERO F.02.01.07
Spoilers (Perforated or Solid)
estimation of increment due to deployment, 96026
Square-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
blockage effects in ducts, 71016, 80024, 81021
effects of edge rounding for various incidences, 71016, 80003
effects of edge rounding with edge aligned symmetrically to flow, 79026
effects of incidence and turbulence in shear flow, 80003
effects of incidence and turbulence in uniform flow, 71016
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026, 80003
Triangular-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
Triangular-Section Cylinders With Face Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
T-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Inclined or Normal to Flow, 80025
effects of distributed roughness and turbulence, 80025
Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
effects of helical strakes, 80025
effects of isolated spanwise protuberances, 80025
effects of nearby flat surface, 80025
effects of perforations or perforated shroud, 80025
Two-Dimensional Rectangular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding, 71016
effects of section aspect ratio and turbulence, 71016
Two-Dimensional Square-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
effects of edge rounding for various incidences, 71016
effects of incidence and turbulence, 71016
Two-Dimensional Stranded Cables Inclined or Normal to Flow, 80025
in shock-free attached flow, 07002, 07003
lift dependent contribution, 07002, 07003, 66031, 66032, 95025, 96025
use of simple sweep rules, 97016
use of strip theory on swept, 97016
X-Section Beams, 82007
discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
effect of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
Profile Factors
see also
Discharge Coefficient
Kinetic Energy Factor
Steady, Spatially Non-Uniform Axial Compressible Flow Using Thermodynamically Rigorous Approach
one-dimensional model for calorically-perfect gas, 95011
one-dimensional model for thermally-perfect gas, 97029
Proof Stresses
see also
Aluminium Alloys
Copper Alloys
Magnesium Alloys
Nickel Steels
Titanium Alloys
Definition, SS3
Propeller Noise
see also
Atmospheric Effects on Sound
Ground Reflection Effect on Noise
Lateral Noise Attenuation
Broadband and Discrete Frequency Components, 02020, 11005, 76020
Discrete Frequency Far- and Near-Field for Single Propeller With Axial or Non-Axial Inflow (Static or Flight)
estimation of unsteady lift coefficient for input to prediction program, 96027
program for estimation from steady and unsteady loading data, 11005
sound pressure levels and one third octave band spectra, 11005
Discrete Frequency Far-Field for Single Static Propeller
graphical estimation of maximum sound pressure levels, 76020
Discussion of All Sources, 02020
see also
Actuator Disc Theory
Propeller Noise
Aerodynamic Performance
bibliography of methods of estimation, 75018
Blade Planforms, 83001, PERF ED1/1
Braking Thrust, PERF ED1/2
discussion of use to decelerate aircraft, 85029
estimation for piston engines, PERF ED1/2
typical time delay for response, 85029
Effect of Fixed-Pitch or Constant Speed
take-off distance for aircraft of less than 12 500 lbf weight, 82033
Effect on Rolling Moment in Sideslip, 06012
Estimation of Uninstalled Thrust of Constant Speed, 83001
effect of activity factor, disc loading, and forward and tip speeds, 83001
effect of aerofoil section, 83001
Estimation of Uninstalled Thrust of Fixed-Pitch, 83028
effect of forward speed at maximum rotation speed (engine throttled), 83028
effect of forward speed below speed for maximum rotation speed, 83028
effect of forward speed on rotation speed, 83028
Estimation of Unsteady Lift Coefficient in Non-Axial Inflow, 96027
Example of Procedure in Calculation of Effects of Propeller Slipstream on Horizontal Tailplane Flow-field, TM 193
Information on the use of Data Items on Powerplant/Airframe Interactions for Propeller-powered Aircraft, 18010
In-Plane Forces on Single or Contra-Rotating Due to Local Angle of Attack or Sideslip
prediction from thrust coefficient, advance ratio and solidity, 89047
Lift and Longitudinal Forces on Propeller/ Nacelle/ Wing/ Flap Systems, 88031
Moments on Single or Contra-Rotating Due to Local Angle of Attack or Sideslip
prediction from thrust coefficient, advance ratio and solidity, 89047
Non-Dimensional Coefficients
definitions and numerical constants, 83001
Relationship Between Solidity and Activity Factor, 89047
Thrust Definitions
free-air, net, minimum-body, propulsive, shaft, 85015, 85017
Wake Modelling in Incidence and Sideslip, 06013
Windmilling Drag, PERF ED1/1
Propeller-Type Flowmeters
Pressure Drop Across, 66030
Propped Cantilevers of Uniform Section
see also
Beams in General
Beams of Any Hollow or Solid Polygonal Section
Various Loadings
bending moments, SS3
deflections, SS3
reactions, SS3
Propeller Noise
Resolution of propulsion forces for jet- or fan-engined aircraft, 15001
Supersonic Jet Interference With Afterbody Base Flow
Base Drag with Central Propulsive Jet
Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
Noise Prediction for Aerospace Sources
Reheated Engines
Thrust of Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
Pseudoplastic Fluid
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Shafts with Interference-Fit Collars
Pull-Out or Pull-Up Manoeuvre
see also
Equations of Motion
Static Aeroelasticity
Program to Calculate Performance
using known drag and thrust characteristics, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
Air-Lift Pumps
Axial- or Mixed-Flow
Pumps (Axial-, Mixed- or Radial-Flow)
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
Pumps (Axial-, Mixed- or Radial-Flow)
Pumps (Axial-, Mixed- or Radial-Flow)
Application of Multiple Units, 80030
Cavitation and Its Avoidance, 80030
definition of net positive suction head and specific speed, 80030, 80031
Configurations, 80030, 80031
by-pass, throttle and speed, 80030
Conversion Factors for Quantites Used, 81002
Definitions and Terminology, 80030, 81001
Electric Motors for Use With
Fans (Incompressible Flow)
Estimation of Impeller Diameter, Efficiency, and Inlet and Discharge Bores, 80031
Impeller Enclosures and Types, 80030, 81001
Matching Characteristics to Those of System, 80030
Non-Dimensional Parameters, 80030, 81001
Practical Limits of Performance and Flow Rates, 80030
Priming and Starting, 80030
Similarity Laws, 80030, 81001
use to predict effect of size and speed changes, 80030
Specific Speed and Use to Typify Pumps, 80030
Standards and Guarantee Tolerances, 80030
Typical Performance Characteristics
variation with flow rate and specific speed, 80030
Water Hammer
see also
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
discussion of mechanism and methods of avoiding, 80030
Pumps (Radial-Flow)
Prediction of Inertia and Run-Down Characteristics
Pipes with Internal Flow
Pressure Transients in Liquid Internal Flow
see also
Lattice Structures of Flat-Sided And/or Tubular Members
Aerodynamic Design to Reduce Interference With Wing Flow at Transonic Speeds, 97017
Effect on Wing Pressure Distribution Locally, 97017
Effect With Underwing Nacelle on Rolling Moment Due to Sideslip, 73006
Effect With Underwing Nacelle on Sideforce and Yawing moment Due to Sideslip, 79006
Temperature Measurement

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