- Criteria of Yielding and Failure, STRUCT 02.00.00
- see also
- Heat Exchangers
- see also
- Statistics
- For Energy Targeting and Heat Exchanger Network Design in Batch Process Plants
- composite and grand composite curves and their use, 90033
- examples of application to chemical plants and a building, 90033
- general guidance on and introduction to methodology, 90033
- time slice model, 90033
- types of streams, 90033
- use of heat storage and systems available, 90033
- use of rescheduling, 90033
- For Energy Targeting and Heat Exchanger Network Design in Continuous Process Plants
- composite and grand composite curves and their use, 87030
- examples of application to single plant and complete site, 87030
- general guidance on and introduction to methodology, 87030
- guide to use of program INTEGRITY, 00043
- identifying and using process changes, 90033
- interval temperature and minimum allowable temperature difference, 87030
- introduction of pumparound, or intermediate condenser or reboiler, 90033
- methods of splitting streams, 87030
- optimisation of heat exchanger area, 87030
- pinch violation, avoidance and relaxation, 87030
- pitfalls and refinements in application of method, 87030
- problem table or heat cascade and its use, 87030
- program for decomposition analysis, 00043
- program to calculate hot and cold utility consumption and costs, 00043
- program to calculate number of shells and minimum area, 00043
- program to derive composite and grand composite curves, 00043
- program to derive driving force plot, 00043
- program to derive plots of utility consumption and minimum area, 00043
- program to determine pinch location, 00043
- split composite curve used in process change, 90033
- stream definition, 87030
- To Optimise Hot and Cold Utility Use in Process Plants
- basic thermodynamic principles of heat engines and heat pumps, 89001
- case studies of application, 89001
- combined heat and power systems, 89001
- criteria for selection of utility and fitting to grand composite curve, 89001
- types of heat pumps and selection, 89001
- use of diesel engines, or gas or steam turbines, 89001
- utility pinch and effect on utility placement, 89001
- see
- Journal Bearings
- Aerofoils, AERO W.02.04.00, AERO W.02.04.02, AERO W.02.04.03, AERO W.S.02.04.13
- comparison of results from VGK with experimental results, 96028
- effect of leading- and/or trailing-edge sealed control or flap deflection, 01033, 96028, 96029
- estimation in viscous subsonic or transonic flow using VGK, 96028, 96029
- estimation of minimum for cambered or uncambered with fixed transition, 00027
- program to predict minimum for subcritical speeds, 06020
- variation of minimum with Mach number below drag rise, 00027
- Aerofoils With Roof-Top Pressure Distribution at Drag Rise, 67011
- Aircraft Undercarriage
- fixed or retractable, 79015
- Angle-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- effects of interference when used in X- or T-configuration, 82007
- Biconvex Aerofoils, AERO W.S.02.04.13
- Bodies of Elliptical Cross-Section at Zero Angle of Attack
- tentative method for estimation in subcritical flow, 78019
- Bodies of Revolution at Zero Incidence
- estimation in subcritical flow, 78019
- illustrations of effect of varying body geometry, 78019
- Canopy for Fighter Type Aircraft, 67041
- Channel-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- effects of interference when used in H-configuration, 82007
- Circular-Section Cylinders
- infinite in two-dimensional flow, 83025
- normal to flat plate, 83025
- Circular-Section Cylinders (Parallel-Sided, Stepped or Tapered)
- effects of isolated spanwise protuberances including helical strakes, 81017
- effects of open top or efflux on local at top, 81017
- local and overall on surface-mounted in turbulent shear flow, 81017
- overall in uniform flow, 81017
- Contributions to and Methods of Estimation, 97016
- Cowls
- variation with geometry and Mach number, 81024
- Definition, AERO W.S.00.03.03, AERO W.S.02.04.13
- Double-Wedge Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- Elliptical-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- effects of incidence and section aspect ratio, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- Flat Plates With Turbulent Boundary Layer
- guide to alleviation of base drag, 10017
- means of prediction, 10016
- Frameworks of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81027
- effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81027
- effects of incidence and yaw, turbulence and velocity profile, 81027
- effects of interference on any frame of two or more in parallel, 81027
- effects of roughness, taper and solidity, 81027
- Fuselage
- increment due to rear fuselage upsweep, 80006
- H-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- Introduction to Data Items on Effect of High-Lift Devices on, 97002
- I-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- Lattice Towers of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81028
- effects of chord member arrangement, 81028
- effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81028
- effects of incidence, turbulence and velocity profile, 81028
- effects of roughness and solidity, 81028
- Multiple Parallel Frameworks of Flat-Sided and/or Tubular Members, 81027
- discussion of effects of incidence and yaw, 81027
- effects of frame spacing and solidity, 81027
- effects of gusset plates and ancillary components, 81027
- effects of roughness for tubular members, 81027
- effects of turbulence and velocity profile, 81027
- Multi-Sided Circular-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding, number of sides and turbulence, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- Multi-Sided Elliptical-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding, section shape and turbulence, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Aligned With Flow
- effects of roughness and spacing, 84015
- effects of subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
- on downstream or upstream cylinder, 84015
- Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Inclined to Flow
- effects of axis inclination, 84015
- effects of roughness and spacing, 84015
- effects of subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
- on downstream or upstream cylinder, 84015
- Pair of Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to and on Axis Normal to Flow
- effects of spacing in either subcritical or supercritical flow, 84015
- Paraboloidal Antennas
- discussion of hysteresis effects, 82031
- effects of focal length, incidence, shear flow and turbulence, 82031
- effects of perforated or slatted surface, 82031
- effects of shear flow, 82031
- Plain Flaps, 06014, 87024, AERO F.02.01.07
- Rectangular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- blockage effects in ducts, 71016, 80024, 81021
- effects of edge rounding, 71016, 80003
- effects of section aspect ratio and turbulence in uniform flow, 71016
- effects of section aspect ratio, incidence and turbulence in shear flow, 80003
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 80003
- Single-Slotted Flaps
- Single-Slotted Flaps, 08013, 87005, AERO F.02.01.06, AERO F.02.01.07
- Split Flaps, 74010, AERO F.02.01.07
- Spoilers (Perforated or Solid)
- estimation of increment due to deployment, 96026
- Square-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- blockage effects in ducts, 71016, 80024, 81021
- effects of edge rounding for various incidences, 71016, 80003
- effects of edge rounding with edge aligned symmetrically to flow, 79026
- effects of incidence and turbulence in shear flow, 80003
- effects of incidence and turbulence in uniform flow, 71016
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026, 80003
- Triangular-Section Cylinders With Edge Aligned Symmetrically and Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- Triangular-Section Cylinders With Face Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding and turbulence, 79026
- effects of turbulent shear flow for surface-mounted, 79026
- T-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effects of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Inclined or Normal to Flow, 80025
- effects of distributed roughness and turbulence, 80025
- Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- effects of helical strakes, 80025
- effects of isolated spanwise protuberances, 80025
- effects of nearby flat surface, 80025
- effects of perforations or perforated shroud, 80025
- Two-Dimensional Rectangular-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding, 71016
- effects of section aspect ratio and turbulence, 71016
- Two-Dimensional Square-Section Cylinders Normal to Flow
- effects of edge rounding for various incidences, 71016
- effects of incidence and turbulence, 71016
- Two-Dimensional Stranded Cables Inclined or Normal to Flow, 80025
- Wings
- in shock-free attached flow, 07002, 07003
- lift dependent contribution, 07002, 07003, 66031, 66032, 95025, 96025
- use of simple sweep rules, 97016
- use of strip theory on swept, 97016
- X-Section Beams, 82007
- discussion of effects of hysteresis and turbulence, 82007
- effect of aspect ratio, incidence, yaw and velocity profile, 82007
- Definition, SS3
- Broadband and Discrete Frequency Components, 02020, 11005, 76020
- Discrete Frequency Far- and Near-Field for Single Propeller With Axial or Non-Axial Inflow (Static or Flight)
- estimation of unsteady lift coefficient for input to prediction program, 96027
- program for estimation from steady and unsteady loading data, 11005
- sound pressure levels and one third octave band spectra, 11005
- Discrete Frequency Far-Field for Single Static Propeller
- graphical estimation of maximum sound pressure levels, 76020
- Discussion of All Sources, 02020
- Aerodynamic Performance
- bibliography of methods of estimation, 75018
- Blade Planforms, 83001, PERF ED1/1
- Braking Thrust, PERF ED1/2
- discussion of use to decelerate aircraft, 85029
- estimation for piston engines, PERF ED1/2
- typical time delay for response, 85029
- Effect of Fixed-Pitch or Constant Speed
- take-off distance for aircraft of less than 12 500 lbf weight, 82033
- Effect on Rolling Moment in Sideslip, 06012
- Estimation of Uninstalled Thrust of Constant Speed, 83001
- effect of activity factor, disc loading, and forward and tip speeds, 83001
- effect of aerofoil section, 83001
- Estimation of Uninstalled Thrust of Fixed-Pitch, 83028
- effect of forward speed at maximum rotation speed (engine throttled), 83028
- effect of forward speed below speed for maximum rotation speed, 83028
- effect of forward speed on rotation speed, 83028
- Estimation of Unsteady Lift Coefficient in Non-Axial Inflow, 96027
- Example of Procedure in Calculation of Effects of Propeller Slipstream on Horizontal Tailplane Flow-field, TM 193
- Information on the use of Data Items on Powerplant/Airframe Interactions for Propeller-powered Aircraft, 18010
- In-Plane Forces on Single or Contra-Rotating Due to Local Angle of Attack or Sideslip
- prediction from thrust coefficient, advance ratio and solidity, 89047
- Lift and Longitudinal Forces on Propeller/ Nacelle/ Wing/ Flap Systems, 88031
- Moments on Single or Contra-Rotating Due to Local Angle of Attack or Sideslip
- prediction from thrust coefficient, advance ratio and solidity, 89047
- Non-Dimensional Coefficients
- definitions and numerical constants, 83001
- Relationship Between Solidity and Activity Factor, 89047
- Thrust Definitions
- free-air, net, minimum-body, propulsive, shaft, 85015, 85017
- Wake Modelling in Incidence and Sideslip, 06013
- Windmilling Drag, PERF ED1/1
- Pressure Drop Across, 66030
- see also
- Equations of Motion
- Static Aeroelasticity
- Air-Lift
- see
- Air-Lift Pumps
- Axial- or Mixed-Flow
- Radial-Flow
- Application of Multiple Units, 80030
- Cavitation and Its Avoidance, 80030
- definition of net positive suction head and specific speed, 80030, 80031
- Configurations, 80030, 80031
- Control
- by-pass, throttle and speed, 80030
- Conversion Factors for Quantites Used, 81002
- Definitions and Terminology, 80030, 81001
- Electric Motors for Use With
- Estimation of Impeller Diameter, Efficiency, and Inlet and Discharge Bores, 80031
- Impeller Enclosures and Types, 80030, 81001
- Matching Characteristics to Those of System, 80030
- Non-Dimensional Parameters, 80030, 81001
- Practical Limits of Performance and Flow Rates, 80030
- Priming and Starting, 80030
- Similarity Laws, 80030, 81001
- use to predict effect of size and speed changes, 80030
- Specific Speed and Use to Typify Pumps, 80030
- Standards and Guarantee Tolerances, 80030
- Typical Performance Characteristics
- variation with flow rate and specific speed, 80030
- Water Hammer
- discussion of mechanism and methods of avoiding, 80030
- Prediction of Inertia and Run-Down Characteristics