ESDU A-Z Index: K-KZ

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| K-KZ |

Kalman Filter
Application of Discrete or Continuous Forms to Linear Systems
equations for multi-dimensional, 88039
measurement noise elimination from randomly-excited first-order system, 88039
Equations for Turbulence, 85020, 86010
Friction Law
straight pipes, 66027
Karman Ogive
Cross-Sectional Area Distribution, AERO A.02.03.02
Surface Area and Volume, Planform Area and Its Centroid, 77028
Karman Vortex Sheet
Vortex Shedding
Katabatic Winds
Description, 87034
typical values, 71003
Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity
typical values, 66024, 71003
see also
Shafts with Keyways
Design Considerations to Reduce Stress Concentration, 15004, 86028
Kinematic Relationships
Axes Transformation
Axes Systems in Aircraft Dynamics and Performance
Kinematic Viscosity
Blending of Petroleum Products, 71003
Conversion Factors, 68036, 81002
effect of temperature on, 68036
general discussion, 68036
Relationship With Viscosity Index and Refutas Kinematic Viscosity Functions, 71003
Typical Values for Petroleum Products, 71003
Kinetic Energy Factor
see also
Velocity Profile
Average Values for Naturally Developed Flow
circular ducts, 73024
Definition, 05024, 73024, 74015, 75026, 76027, 77009
Steady, Spatially Non-Uniform Axial Compressible Flow Using Thermodynamically-Rigorous Approach
definition for calorically-perfect gas, 95011
definition for thermally-perfect gas, 97029
Kinetic Heating
Aerodynamic Heating
Kinetic Pressure
Definition, 69026, AERO S.00.03.06
Isentropic Flow of Calorically Imperfect Diatomic Gas
variation with Mach number and stagnation conditions, AERO S.00.01.10
Isentropic Flow of Perfect Gas
variation with Mach number, total pressure and specific heat capacity, 74028, AERO S.00.03.06, AERO S.00.03.07
Variation With Pressure Altitude and Mach number, 73017
Variation With Pressure Altitude at Sonic Speed
International Standard Atmosphere from - 0.5 to 32 km, 72018
International Standard Atmosphere from - 0.5 to 50 km, 68046
Kruger Flaps
Leading-Edge High-Lift Devices
Kuchemann-Weber Compressibility Factor
Velocity Distribution on Aerofoils, 72025
Kuchemann-Weber Formula
Velocity Distribution on Aerofoils
inviscid flow, 72025
modification for viscous flow, 76002
Velocity Distribution on Wings, 73012
definition, 74030
Kussner Functions
Indicial Aerodynamics
aerofoils and isolated or combined lifting surfaces, 84020

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| K-KZ |