- Calculation of Critical Heat Flux in Horizontal Flow, 88001
- accuracy for water, Refrigerants 12 and 113, and nitrogen, 88001
- database of experimental measurements for uniformly heated tubes, 88001
- Calculation of Critical Heat Flux in Upward Flow in Vertical Pipes, 86032
- accuracy for water, Refrigerant 12 and nitrogen, 86032
- Calculation of Post Dry-Out Heat Transfer at High Quality
- upward flow in vertical pipes of any liquid/vapour mixture, 90001
- upward flow in vertical pipes of steam/water mixture, 90001
- Calculation Procedure for Heat Transfer in Wet-Wall Boiling of Mixtures
- accuracy of prediction, 91011
- surface area for given thermal duty, 91011
- Calculation Procedure for Heat Transfer in Wet-Wall Boiling of Single Component
- accuracy of prediction, 85041
- comparison of accuracy with that of other methods, 85041
- comparison of predictions with experimental results, 85041
- surface area for given thermal duty, 85041
- Calculation Procedure for Pressure Drop in Wet-Wall Boiling
- accuracy as function of boiling number, density ratio (liquid/vapour) and quality, 89039
- comparison of predictions with experimental results, 89039
- correction of predicted adiabatic pressure drop, 89039
- database of experimental results and discussion of data used, 89039
- horizontal or vertical tubes with upward flow, 89039
- Conditions for Nucleate Boiling and for Stratified Flow, 85041
- Discussion of Burn-Out, Dry-Out and Flow Instabilities, 85041
- Discussion of Physical Phenomena Involved With Mixtures, 91011
- use of vapour-liquid equilibria data, 91011
- Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes, 85041
- effect on variation of dry-out with heat flux and quality, 88001
- Flow Patterns in Vertical Pipes, 85041
- Fatigue Strength Under In-Plane Tension
- comparison with fatigue strength of plain plate and plate with hole, 96014
- discussion of causes of fretting, 96014
- effect of clamping pressure, 96014
- effect of number and arrangement of bolts, and bolt tightening methods, 96014
- effect of surface roughness, 96014
- see also
- Bolted Butt Joints with Cover Plates in Steels
- Bolted Double Lap Joints in Steels
- Bolted Doublers on Both Sides of Plate in Steels
- Bolted Lap Joints
- Club-Foot Fittings
- Double Lock Nuts
- Fretting Fatigue
- High-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
- Joints
- Low-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
- Lugs (Fatigue Strength)
- Lugs (Static Strength)
- Lugs (Stress Concentration Factors)
- Lugs (Stress Intensity Factors)
- Medium-Load Transfer Joints in Aluminium Alloys
- Screw Threads
- Studs
- Methods of Bolt/Nut Locking, 14001, 14002, TM 175
- Overview of Bolted Joint Data Items, 14003
- Stress Concentration Factor Distribution Along Bore
- plain hole loaded by pin, 93030
- Testing Endurance by Simulated Acoustic Loading Applied to Representative Element
- see
- Acoustic Fatigue
- Transmitting Tension With Bolt Pretension, 13015, 13016, 85021
- accuracy of determining pretension by torque-tightening, 14001
- calculating bolt stiffness, 13015, 13016
- calculating member stiffness, 13015, 13016
- effect of asymmetry of loading, 85021
- effect of bolt pretension on fatigue endurance, 85021
- effect of loading on inter-member contact pressure, 13016
- effect of temperature, 85021
- effect of tolerances on load distribution, 85021
- estimation of component stiffnesses, 85021
- factors effecting member stiffness, 13016
- load paths in idealised and practical joints, 85021
- methods of applying pretension including torque-tightening, 14001
- methods of determining pretension, 14001
- practical worked examples of strength analysis, 85021
- pretension due to torque-tightening with or without lubrication, 14001
- see also
- Bolted Double Lap Joints in Steels
- see
- Cavities
- Program for Elastic Analysis of Multiple-Step Under In-Plane Tension
- normal (peel) stress distribution in adhesive, 80039
- shear stress distribution in adhesive, 80039
- Program for Inelastic Analysis of Multiple-Step Under In-Plane Tension or Shear
- inelastic shear stress/strain distribution in adhesive, 79016
- see also
- Bonded Joints
- Fatigue Strength, FAT E.05.07
- Considerations in Design Against Acoustic Fatigue, 86025
- Discussion of Various Alternative Methods for Strength Analysis, 17004, 18008
- Effect of Adhesive Properties and Geometrical Parameters on Strength, 17004, 18008
- Factors in Design of, 17004, 18008
- Laminated Composite Faceplate/Core in Sandwich Beams or Struts
- effect on faceplate wrinkling, 87013
- Laminated Composite Faceplate/Core in Sandwich Panels
- effect on faceplate wrinkling, 88015
- Skin to Stiffener in Rectangular Flat Panel Under Uniaxial Compression
- effect of adhesive on panel buckling load, 98016
- effect of material plasticity and adhesive on panel buckling load, 01001
- Testing Endurance by Simulated Acoustic Loading Applied to Representative Element
- see
- Acoustic Fatigue
- Types of Failure, 17004, 18008
- Discussion of Behaviour of Adhesive Stress Distribution
- variation of adherend material and thickness, and of lap length, 92041
- Peel and Shear Stress Distribution in Adhesive Under Tension
- elastic analysis including bending effects, 92041
- Shear Strain/Stress Distribution in Adhesive and Stress Distribution in Adherends Under Tension or Shear
- elastic or inelastic analysis neglecting bending effects, 92041
- Types of Failure, 92041
- see also
- Bonded Joints
- Fatigue Strength, FAT E.05.06
- Description, 87034
- Total Pressure Loss Through Sudden Enlargement of Duct Area, 72011
- see
- Ceramics
- Aerofoils in Subcritical Flow
- effect of transition position on lift-curve slope, 97020
- effect of transition position on minimum profile drag, 00027
- estimation of shape and thickness parameters, 76002
- skin friction drag in presence of pressure field, 06001
- Aerofoils in Subsonic or Transonic Flow
- method of computing turbulent, 96028, 96029
- thickness of turbulent, 98031
- transition prediction for laminar separation/turbulent reattachment, 96028, 96029
- Aerofoils in Transonic Flow
- use of computed characteristics to predict separation boundary, 81020, 97030
- Bodies of Revolution in Subcritical Flow at Zero Incidence
- thickness and shape parameters, 79020
- Circular Cylinders at Zero Incidence
- laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
- turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
- turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
- Cones at Zero Incidence in Supersonic Flow
- laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
- turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
- Control by Axial or Tangential Blowing to Improve Diffuser Performance, 87015
- recommendations for mass flow, and slot position and size, 87015
- static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
- Control by Suction to Improve Diffuser Performance, 87015
- static pressure recovery improvement achieved, 87015
- typical flow rates and geometries, 87015
- Effect of Velocity Profile on Attenuation of Sound Power
- in lined annular or rectangular straight ducts, 00024
- in lined circular straight ducts, 00012
- Effect on Aerofoil Base Pressure, AERO W.S.02.03.07
- Effect on Ram Efficiency
- flush intakes, 03006, 86002
- Flat Plates at Zero Incidence
- laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
- turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
- turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
- Flight Vehicles
- turbulent fluctuating pressure levels, 75021, TM 58
- Interaction With Shock in Transonic Flow
- comparisons against RAE 5225 aerofoil for program in 2D mode, 13013
- Representation of Turbulent by Seventh Power Law
- data required in calculating immersed intake characteristics, 86002
- Turbulent Boundary-Layer Profiles
- The estimation of turbulent boundary layer power-law velocity and q profiles from shape factor and momentum thickness, 18009
- Validation of Pressures and Integral Boundary Layer Data
- against M2155, 13013
- against RAE 101 swept-panel model, 13013
- VFP Comparison of VFP Results With Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS)
- analyses of M2155, 13013
- Virtual Origin for Turbulent Flow, 68020
- Wedges in Supersonic Flow
- laminar shape and thickness parameters, 68019
- turbulent shape and thickness parameters, 68020
- Scoop Intakes Immersed in Boundary Layer
- effect on drag and pressure recovery, 86002
- Friction Coefficient Variation With Load and Speed
- sketch of typical behaviour, 89044
- Centre of Pressure Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
- prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
- Mean and Peak Forces Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
- pair of parallel fences or walls, 89050
- prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
- Mean and Peak Overturning Moments Due to Wind With Turbulence and Shear
- prediction for finite straight wall, individual panel in long wall or corner panel, 89050
- Used to Provide Shelter From Wind
- definition of shelter factor accounting for effect on turbulence and wind speed, 97031
- discussion of downwind flow phenomena divided into zones, 97031
- effect of fence geometry and porosity on shelter, wind speed and turbulence, 97031
- effect of upstream conditions on downstream shelter, wind speed and turbulence, 97031
- estimation of shelter factor for single fence or several parallel fences, 97031
- example of effect of wind incidence angle on shelter, 97031
- example of shelter factors within and downstream of enclosure, 97031
- possible end designs to minimise end effects, 97031
- Beams Under Bending
- flange design for constant edge strain, STRUCT 02.05.00
- Dynamic Response
- natural frequencies, 74025
- Dynamic Response to Excitation
- considerations in design against fatigue due to acoustic loading, 86025
- estimation of stresses due acoustic loading, 74026
- Estimation of Sound Power Radiation From One Plate Side
- due to excitation of opposite plate side, 00002
- Forces and Pressures Due to Wind or Other Fluid Flows
- see also
- Braking
- Equations for Reactions at Wheels Due to, 87018
- Force Available From Brakes During Landing, 16008
- Force Available From Reverse Thrust Propellers on Piston Engines, PERF ED1/2
- Friction Available Between Tyre and Dry or Contaminated Runway
- Movement of Tyre Footprint Centre of Pressure When Braking on a Wet Surface, TM 211
- Sideforce on Yawed Aircraft Tyre
- estimation for dry or wet runway surface, 13007
- Range Equation, 73019
- see also
- Gears
- Classification by Viscosity of Fuel Oils and Lubricants, 71003
- see also
- Beams in General
- Beams of Sandwich Construction
- Corrugated Plates
- Curved Rectangular Plates
- Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
- Faceplate Wrinkling
- Flange Buckling
- Flat Panels in General
- Flat Panels with Fibre-Reinforced Unflanged Integral Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with Flanged Integral Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with Lipped or Unlipped Z-Section Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with Top-Hat Section Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with Transverse Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with T-Section Integral Stiffeners
- Flat Panels with Unflanged Integral Stiffeners
- Flat Parallelogram Panels
- Flat Parallelogram Plates
- Flat Plates Tapered in Plan
- Flat Rectangular Plates
- Flat Rectangular Plates Tapered in Thickness
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Corrugated Cores)
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Isotropic Cores)
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Truss Cores)
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Flat Square Plates with Central Circular Hole
- Flat Square Plates with Central Flanged Circular Hole
- Flat Triangular Plates
- Flat Unbalanced Laminated Rectangular Plates
- Helical Springs of Round Wire
- Hydraulic Jacks
- Inter-Rivet Buckling
- Struts in General
- Struts of Bulb Angle Section
- Struts of Channel Section
- Struts of I-Section
- Struts of Lipped or Unlipped Z-Section
- Struts of Sandwich Construction
- Struts of Thin-Walled Open Section
- Struts of Tubular Section
- see also
- Vane Vortex Generators
- Alleviation and Control of Flow Unsteadiness on Airframes, 87012
- Characteristics of Response of a Cylinder, 79025
- Criteria for Severity, 87012
- Description of Wind-Tunnel Test Techniques to Determine Onset and Severity on Wings, 87012
- extrapolation to full scale, 87012
- Discussion of Sources
- on aerofoils, 90008
- on airframes, 87012
- on bluff bodies, 77032
- On Aerofoils
- prediction of shock-induced separation at transonic speeds, 81020
- upstream Mach number for flow breakdown at transonic speeds, 90008, 91021
- variation with incidence and Mach number, 87012
- On Tubes in Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
- discussion of effect on wear and life, 87019
- On Wings
- effect of aspect ratio, camber, sweep and thickness, 87012
- program to calculate effect of buffet limit on ceiling, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- program to calculate effect of buffet limit on turning performance, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- variation with incidence and Mach number, 87012
- Pilot Ratings for Severity, 87012
- Pressure Fluctuations Due to Separation Bubbles, 87012
- Regions of Interference Between Two Cylinders, 79025
- Calculation of Coupled Vibration Modes of a Type of Shear Building
- computer program, 79005
- generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 79005
- Calculation of Lateral Modes of Vibration of Core Buildings
- application to lattice towers and stacks, 81036
- computer program, 81036
- generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 81036
- simplified graphical approach, 81036
- Calculation of Uncoupled Vibration Modes of Shear Buildings
- computer program, 79005
- generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 79005
- Calculation of Vibration Modes of Rectangular Sway Frame Buildings
- computer program, 82019
- generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 82019
- simplified graphical approach, 82019
- Calculation of Vibration Modes of Rigidly-Jointed Frame Structures
- computer program, 82019
- generalised masses and stiffnesses, mode shapes and natural frequencies, 82019
- Dynamic Response to Turbulence and Wind
- Mean Forces, Moments and Pressures Due to Wind on Representative Shapes
- Oblique Shock Waves, AERO S.00.03.14, AERO W.S.00.03.04
- Pressure Change Prediction in Pipeline Due to Closure
- Pressure Drop Across, 69022
- see also
- Viscous Garabedian and Korn Method
- Computational Code for Transonic Two-Dimensional Flow, 92008
- Results for Excrescence Drag Magnification Factor Compared With Results From VGK, 98031
- Use With Multivariate Gradient Search Program
- for inverse aerofoil design to match target pressure distribution, 01025
- for optimum aerofoil geometry design, 00022, 00023, 01024, 99019, 99020, 99021