- see also
- Atmosphere
- Calculation of Error in Static Pressure, 20006, 20007
- Calculation of Runway Temperature from Ambient Pressure and Ambient Temperature, TM 188
- Measurement in Flight
- Variation With Altitude
- aircraft performance program
- model atmospheres, 68046, 72018, 77021, 77022, 78008
- program to calculate in non-Standard conditions, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- program to calculate in Standard conditions, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- see also
- Atmosphere
- Calculation of Runway Temperature from Ambient Pressure and Ambient Temperature, TM 188
- Measurement in Flight
- air properties for derivation from measurements in hypersonic flow, 88025
- approximate treatment of caloric imperfection, 83029
- derivation of true total temperature, 84007
- determination from total temperature in hypersonic flow, 88025
- flight calibration of temperature probe, 84007
- introduction to, 86031
- radiation and recovery errors, 83029, 84007
- real gas effects (excluding dissociation), 88025
- response of probe to changing temperature, 84007
- self-heating error, 83029, 84007
- use of manufacturer's data in probe calibration, 84007
- Variation With Altitude
- see also
- Atmospheric Effects on Sound
- model atmospheres, 68046, 72018, 77021, 77022, 78008
- Variation With Latitude and Season, 78008
- Record of Changes Introduced in Aerodynamics Series, 00001
- Record of Changes Introduced in Aircraft Noise Series, 00010
- Record of Changes Introduced in Fatigue - Endurance Data Series, 04017
- Record of Changes Introduced in Mechanisms Series, 00004
- Record of Changes Introduced in Performance Series, 99035
- Record of Changes Introduced in Structures Series, 00030
- Record of Changes Introduced in Transonic Aerodynamics Series, 99034
- Record of Changes Introduced in Tribology Series, 00005
- Record of Changes Introduced in Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue Series, 00011
- see also
- Heat Pipes
- Density
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated gas and liquid, 80017
- Dynamic Viscosity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated gas and liquid, 80017
- Specific Heat Capacity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated liquid, 80017
- Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- Surface Tension
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- Thermal Conductivity
- pressure and temperature variation for saturated liquid, 80017
- Vapour Pressure
- pressure and temperature variation at saturation, 80017
- Description, 87034
- Analogous Body Concept, 74013
- Analogous Wing Concept (Section 5.1), 73012
- see
- Statistics
- see also
- Ambient Temperature
- Impact Pressure
- Calibration Laws
- airspeed indicator, 86031
- altimeter, 86031
- Machmeter, 86031
- Determination of Airspeed and Mach Number in Hypersonic Flow
- graphs and tables of air properties for use in, 88025
- using in-flight measured static pressure, 88025
- using static pressure deduced from ambient temperature and lapse rate, 88025, 93020
- Flowcharts to Ensure Correct Order, 83029
- Guide to Calculation Procedures, 86031
- Introduction to Definitions and Notation, 86031
- Introduction to Method, 83029
- Pitot and Static Pressures
- accurate determination of speeds, Mach number and altitude, 83029, 85036
- approximate determination of speeds, Mach number and altitude, 83029, 85036
- effect of transition from laminar flow on use of ground lag calibration, 87038
- experimental determination of installed system lag, 87038
- incorporation of lag effects, 83029, 87038
- inertia effects, 83029
- Reynolds number effects, 83029
- theoretical treatment of acoustic and viscous lag, 87038
- use in determining airspeed and Mach number in hypersonic flow, 88025
- use in determining ambient and relative temperatures, 83029
- use in determining specific excess power, 83029
- Position (Pressure) Error in Static Pressure Sensing, 83029, 85036, 86006
- determination of dependence on angle of attack and Mach number, 95024
- example of calibration of boom-mounted sensor in subsonic flight, 95024
- use of wind-tunnel and flight tests to determine, 95024
- see also
- Wind-Tunnel Corrections for Wings
- Derivation of angle of attack in flight, 17013, TM 190
- Determination of angle of attack
- using accelerometer, 17013, TM 190
- using Energy Height method, 17013
- using INS/GPS method, 17013, TM 185
- Determination of true airspeed at particular angle of attack from GPS measurements, 20007
- For Maximum Lift
- aerofoils with or without leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- program to predict, 99031
- wings with or without leading- and/or trailing-edge high-lift devices deployed, 96003
- For Zero Lift
- aerofoils in inviscid subcritical flow, 72024, 98011
- aerofoils in subcritical attached flow, 98011
- cambered and twisted wings, 87031
- cambered and twisted wings with approximately circular-section fuselage, 89042
- program to predict for low-drag GUNACA-series aerofoils, 99003
- Induced Due to Downwash, 73012
- In-flight calibration of an angle of attack sensor, 17013, TM 185
- Aircraft Dynamics
- Flexural Properties, STRUCT 01.00.01
- Secondary Warping and Torsion Constants, STRUCT 00.07.01
- Flexural Properties, STRUCT 01.00.01
- Pressure Drop Across, 69022
- Linear Systems
- definition, 67038
- see also
- Diffusers
- Geometrical Relationships, 75026
- Methods of Improving Performance, 87015
- Onset of Significant Separation, 75026
- Optimum Geometry for Maximum Pressure Recovery, 75026
- Static Pressure Recovery
- inlet boundary layer effects, 75026
- inlet swirl effects, 76027
- radius ratio effects, 75026
- tailpipe effects, 75026
- turbulence effects, 75026
- wall angle combination effects, 75026, 76027
- Total Pressure Loss
- derivation from static pressure recovery, 75026
- see
- Ejectors
- Normal to Flow
- normal force, 70015
- see also
- Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers
- Effect of Systematic Roughnesses
- Forced Convection Heat Transfer
- Noise Attenuation of Subsonic Flow by Duct Liners
- Lift-Curve Slope, 77012
- Bond Strength, Deposition Rate, Porosity, and Treatment Temperature, 86040
- Description of Treatments Involved, 87026, 88027
- Effect on Fatigue Strength of Notched or Unnotched Aluminium Specimens
- data for various alloys with various treatments, 87026
- effect of cladding, 87026
- effect of loading direction relative to grain structure, 87026
- effect of oxide layer thickness, 87026
- under constant or variable amplitude axial or bending loading, 87026
- use of chromic or sulphuric acid or hard anodising, 87026
- Effect on Fretting Fatigue of Titanium Alloys, 88027
- Estimation of Speed During, PERF EG6/2
- consideration of margin above stall in turbulence, PERF EG6/2
- Stability During, PERF EG6/2
- Techniques for Dealing With Crosswind, 01010
- see also
- Salt Water
- Sea Water
- Hydrochloric Acid/Methanol
- effect on fatigue crack propagation rate in titanium alloy sheet, 90028
- Sodium Bromide
- effect on fatigue crack propagation rate in titanium alloy sheet, 90028
- Sodium Chloride
- effect on fatigue crack propagation rate in aluminium-lithium plate, 91015
- effect on fatigue crack propagation rate in aluminium plate and sheet, 88007
- effect on fatigue crack propagation rate in titanium and titanium alloy plate and sheet, 90028
- effect on fretting fatigue of titanium and titanium alloy, 88027
- Minimum Transonic Drag Rise
- zero lift, AERO A.02.03.02
- see also
- Moment of Area Rule
- Transonic and Supersonic, AERO A.S.02.03.01
- Discussion of Application for Abandoned Take-Off and Landing, 85029
- Effect on Fouling in Crude Oil Distillation Plant
- see also
- Drag
- Excrescences
- Viscosity of Oils, 68036
- Estimation of Trim Drag Due to Inoperative Engine or Other Source
- approximate method for fan-, jet- or propeller-powered aircraft, 88006
- equations of motion for equilibrium flight, 88006
- estimation of component contributions to, 88006
- techniques for flight (wings level or banked), 88006
- Steady Level Sideslipping, Turning or With Failed Engine
- calculation of aileron and rudder deflections and their order of magnitude, 01010
- calculation of loading on fin, fuselage, tailplane and wing, 01010
- Kinematic Viscosity
- typical values in liquid state, 71003
- Kinematic Viscosity
- typical values in liquid state, 71003
- Absorption and Scattering of Solar Irradiance, 69015
- Calculation of Runway Temperature from Ambient Pressure and Ambient Temperature, TM 188
- Description and Explanation of Global Wind Circulation, 87034
- Effect of Dust, Ozone and Water Vapour on Solar Irradiance, 69015
- Effect of Various on Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate
- aluminium alloy forgings, plate and sheet, 88007
- aluminium-lithium alloy plate and sheet, 91015
- titanium and titanium alloy plate and sheet, 90028
- Height Relationships in Any, 78012
- Height Relationships in Off-Standard and Standard, 77022
- Probabilistic
- explanation of definition, 68046
- Program to Estimate Variation of Properties With Altitude
- in Standard conditions or non-Standard conditions, 00031, 00032, 00033, 00034, 00035, 00036, 00037, 00038, 00039
- Properties for Specific Design Conditions (0 to 20 km, 0 to 65 000 ft)
- Arctic, temperate and tropical extremes, 78008
- Properties of International Interim Standard 50 km to 80 km
- equations for computation and tables of relative values, 77021
- Properties of International Standard - 0.5 km to 32 km
- absolute (and relative values) in SI units, heights in feet, 72018
- Properties of International Standard - 0.5 km to 50 km
- absolute (and relative values) in British and SI units, 68046
- equations for computation, 77021, 77022
- tables of relative values, 77021
- Properties of Off-Standard
- absolute (and relative values) in British units, 68046
- defining equations, 77022
- equations for computation, 77022
- Properties of Standard 80 km to 1 000 km
- tables of relative values, 77021
- Standard or Off-Standard
- variation of ratio of static to total pressure behind normal shock in hypersonic flow, 93020
- Standard Sea-Level Properties, 68046, 72018, 77021, 77022
- see also
- Noise
- Discussion of Absorption, Attenuation and Refraction, 02020
- Effect of Turbulence on Ground Reflection Behaviour, 94035, 94036
- Estimation of Attenuation in Propagation Close to Ground, 94036
- Estimation of Attenuation of Broad-Band Sound Using Discrete Frequency Data, 78003
- effect of non-uniform still atmosphere, 78003
- effect of real filter characteristics, 78003
- effect of spectrum smoothing, 78003
- graphical method, 78003
- inclusion of discrete tones, 78003
- Estimation of Attenuation of Discrete Frequency Sound
- effects of humidity, pressure and temperature, 78002
- Temperature and/or Wind Gradients Near Ground
- calculation of third-octave pressure levels due to, 89036
- Aircraft Dynamics
- definition, 67003, 86021
- relationship to incidence angles, 67037
- use in conversion of accelerations and velocities between axes systems, 98024
- Determination of pitch angle using a longitudinal accelerometer, 17013
- Pitch During Ground Run or Taxiing
- assumption for or calculation of, 87018
- see also
- Steels
- Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate, 84003, 93033
- see also
- Crack Propagation
- characteristic slopes of plots against stress intensity factor, 84003
- effect of alloy composition and heat treatment, 84003
- effect of mean stress (or stress ratio), 84003
- summary of available data, 23012
- Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate (Short Cracks), 93033
- effect of alloy composition, 93033
- effect of mean stress (or stress ratio), 93033
- Fatigue Strength at High Endurance, 88008
- relationship with tensile strength for unnotched specimens, 88008
- Fatigue Strength Under Bending, 71027
- effect of notches, 71027
- relationship with tensile strength, 71027
- Threshold Stress Intensity Factor Range, 84003
- see
- Brakes
- Conversion Formulae for a General Rotation Defined by Attitude Angles
- any vector, 67036, 78038, 85030
- Conversion Formulae for a General Rotation Defined by Attitude Angles and Translation
- force and moment vectors, 82031
- Conversion Formulae for Rotation and Translation in a Plane
- aerodynamic derivatives and constants of inertia, 67004, 86041
- angular and linear velocity vectors, 67004, 86041
- force and moment vectors, 67004, 86041
- see also
- Axes System Transformations
- Choice of, 67003
- Definitions, 67036, 78038, 85030, 86021
- Geometric and Kinematic Relationships, 67036, 78038, 79018, 86021
- Transformation Between Earth, Body, Air-Path, Flight-Path and Other Axes Systems
- any vector, 85030
- Transformation Between Earth, Body and Air-Path Axes Systems
- any vector, 67036, 78038
- Use of Euler Attitude Angles or Quaternion Representation of Aircraft Attitude
- in conversion of accelerations and velocities between axes systems, 98024
- Slender Wings, 71006
- Spherically-Blunted Tangent Ogive and Cone Forebodies Due to Pressure Alone
- at low angles of attack and transonic speeds, 89033
- optimum blunting for minimum, 89033
- Surface-Mounted Rectangular-Section Cylinders
- effect of incidence and section aspect ratio in turbulent shear flow, 80003
- Surface-Mounted Square-Section Cylinders
- effect of incidence in turbulent shear flow, 80003
- effect of incidence in uniform approach flow, 71016
- Swept Straight-Tapered Plane Wings to High Angles of Attack at Subsonic Speeds
- viscous contribution to lift dependent drag, 95025
- Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Inclined to Subcritical Flow, 80025
- distributed roughness effects, 80025
- turbulence effects, 80025
- Two-Dimensional Stranded Cables Inclined to Subcritical Flow, 80025