ESDU STRUCT 02.01.23
Average and edge stresses in long flat rectangular plates in compression under varying edge conditions.
ESDU Struct 02.01.23 gives two graphs plotting, for various values of elastic lateral restraint applied to the long edges of a plate loaded in uniform compression along its length, the ratio of the average stress to the edge stress against the ratio of the edge stress to the stress at which the plate first buckles. To use the curves the stress at which the plate first buckles is required and may be found from ESDU 72019. It is assumed the edges are all simply-supported so that they are free to rotate but are constrained to remain in the plane of the plate. One graph applies to conditions when the long edges are free to deform in the plane of the plate while the other applies when they are held flat by edge members. The data apply to stresses lying in the elastic range and to long plates for which the aspect ratio exceeds 3. The graphs cover the range of the ratio of the edge stress to the stress at which the plate first buckles up to 4; above that value ESDU Struct 02.01.03 may be used. A practical worked example illustrates the use of the data.Indexed under:
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