ESDU 83028
Approximate parametric method for propeller thrust estimation. Addendum A: application to fixed-pitch propellers.
ESDU 83028, which is an Addendum to ESDU 83001, provides an approximate method for determining the uninstalled static thrust and the thrust lapse characteristics for a wide range of direct-drive, fixed-pitch propellers operating at airspeeds up to 250 kn. The method applies at airspeeds above and below that at which the propeller-engine combination reaches maximum rotational speed. The ranges of values of propeller design parameters are disc loadings from 2 to 8 hp/sq ft (16 to 64 kW/sq m), tip speeds from 700 to 1000 ft/s (200 to 300 m/s), and total activity factors from 160 to 540.Indexed under:
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