ESDU 15004
Stress concentration factors in keyways.
ESDU 15004 considers the effect of key and keyway design on thestresses in a keyed shaft loaded in torsion, bending or under combined torsion and bending. Common types of keys, such as the Woodruff key and the square key, are discussed and stress concentration data is given for a range of keyway geometries for both the sled-runner and the end-milled type keyways. A method to optimise keyway design is presented to reduce stress concentrations in the keyway in a shaft. A worked example illustrates the use of the data in this Item. ESDU 15004 is closely related to ESDU 86028 which presents data on the fatigue strength of a shaft with the keyway in bending, and a shaft loaded through the key in torsion.Indexed under:
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