ESDU A-Z Index: N-NZ
- see
- Cowls
- see also
- Aerodynamic Loading
- Bodies of Revolution
- Cowls
- Calculation of Contribution of Rigid to Wing Deformation Using Orthogonal Modes, 97032
- Calculation of Contribution to Wing Deformation Using Normal Modes, 99033
- deformation of flexible assembly, 99033
- Effect of Propeller Type on Sideforce and Rolling and Yawing Moments Due to Sideslip
- wing mounted, 00025, TM 178
- Effect of Turbine Engine Type on Rolling Moment Due to Sideslip
- rear-fuselage mounted/empennage interference, 73006
- underwing mounted, 00025, 73006
- Effect of Turbine Engine Type on Sideforce and Yawing Moment Due to Sideslip
- rear-fuselage mounted/empennage interference, 79006
- underwing mounted, 00025, 79006
- Effects of Rear-mounted Engine Nacelles on Sidewash at Fin, TM 184
- Estimation of Aerodynamic Centre Position for Wing/Fuselage/Nacelle (Turbine Type)
- effect of geometry and position for rear-fuselage mounted, 78013
- effect of geometry and position for underwing mounted, 77012
- program for wing-body-nacelle combinations, 13009
- Estimation of Nacelle and Flap Effects on Low-Speed Aerodynamic Centre and Zero-Lift Pitching Moment of Transport Aircraft (Tail-Off), TM 200
- Estimation of Upwash Due to Turbine Engine Type, 90020
- Forces acting on
- Forces acting on single-stream nacelle, 16003
- Forces acting on two-stream nacelle, 16003
- Interference With Pusher or Tractor Propeller Flow
- effect on thrust and drag, 86017
- Lift and Longitudinal Forces on Combination With Wing and Flap
- submerged in propeller slipstream, 88031
- see also
- Box Structures
- Buildings
- Crossflow Heat Exchangers
- Curved Rectangular Plates
- Curved Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Curved Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Cylinders of Circular Section (Strength and Vibration)
- Flat Panels in General
- Flat Rectangular Plates
- Flat Sandwich Panels (Cores of Negligible Flexural Stiffness)
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Rectangular Plates
- Flat Specially-Orthotropic Square Plates
- Flat Square Plates
- Modal Density
- Pipes with Internal Flow
- Response of Buildings and Structures
- Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Pressure Drop Across, 69022
- see also
- Propellers
- Definition, 82026
- Numerical Techniques for Definite Integrals
- see
- Quadrature
- Applied to Calculation of Pressure Distribution on Forebody, AERO W.S.05.03.01
- Effect on Fretting Fatigue Strength of Titanium Alloys, 88027
- see also
- Duplex Stainless Steels
- High Alloy Steels
- Composition of Specific Specifications 00932 (MMDH)
- Corrosion Resistance 00932 (MMDH)
- Creep Behaviour and Elongation 00932 (MMDH)
- Density 00932 (MMDH)
- Elastic Moduli in Compression and Tension 00932 (MMDH)
- Elastic Modulus of Rigidity 00932 (MMDH)
- Electrical Conductivity 00932 (MMDH)
- Exfoliation Corrosion Resistance 00932 (MMDH)
- Fracture Toughness
- variation with temperature, 83023
- Poisson's Ratio 00932 (MMDH)
- Proof Stresses in Compression and Tension 00932 (MMDH)
- Specific Heat Capacity 00932 (MMDH)
- Stress Corrosion Resistance 00932 (MMDH)
- Tensile Strength 00932 (MMDH)
- Thermal Conductivity 00932 (MMDH)
- Thermal Expansion Coefficient 00932 (MMDH)
- Torsion and Shear Strengths 00932 (MMDH)
- Weldability 00932 (MMDH)
- see
- Ceramics
- Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Ducts
- variable gas property effects, 81045, 92003
- Gas Constant, AERO 00.01.09
- Pressure or Velocity
- definition, 22001
- see also
- Acoustic Absorption Coefficient
- Acoustic Impedance
- Aircraft Noise Series
- Control Systems
- Crossflow Heat Exchangers
- Noise in Air-Conditioning Duct Systems
- Noise Limiting Curves
- Noise Prediction for Aerospace Sources
- Noise/sound Propagation
- Shell-And-Tube Heat Exchangers
- Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
- Airframe noise, 90023
- Boundary layer noise, 75021, TM 58
- Cabin noise, internal noise, 07001
- Combination of Levels, 17012, 78037
- Combustor noise, combustion noise, 05001
- Comparison of Levels From Various Sources, 79037
- Conversion to R.M.S. Fluctuating Pressure, 21003
- Definition of Pressure Correlation, 20005
- Definitions of Intensity, Intensity Level, Power Level, Pressure and Pressure Level, 21003, 22001
- Estimation of sideline noise in subjective noise metrics, 82027 Addendum
- Fan noise, compressor noise, 98008
- Fans
- prediction at maximum efficiency point, 79037
- Far-field jet noise, 11002, 89041, 98019
- General Introduction to Concepts, Terminology and Units, 79037, 82001
- Ground reflection effects, 94035
- Jet-by-jet noise shielding, 88023
- Lateral attenuation, 81035, 82027
- Methods Used to Model Subjective Response of Human Ear, 02020
- use of A-, B- or C-weighting, 79037, 82002
- use of A-weighting and table of values, 02020
- use of various other noise measures and their definitions, 02020
- Near-field jet noise, 99006
- Noise shielding by barriers, 79011
- Propeller noise, 11005, 76020, 96027
- Section properties of fuselage stiffeners, 07001 Addendum
- Sound absorption coefficients of liners, 74003, 74004
- Sound attenuation due to air absorption, 78002, 78003
- Sound attenuation in circular ducts, 00012
- Sound attenuation in rectangular and annular ducts, 00024
- Sound Intensity, 21003
- Sound Power, 21003
- Sound Power Radiated by Dynamically Isotropic Excited Flat Rectangular or Square Plate
- effect of coincidence frequency, 00002
- effect of damping and stiffeners, 00002
- effect of edge rotational constraint and of support angle to plate, 00002
- program for modal averaged radiation efficiency, 00002
- use of principle of reciprocity to determine plate response from, 00002
- use of resonance frequencies to estimate edge constraint, 00002
- Sound Power Radiated by One Plate of Double Wall Construction
- when opposite plate is dynamically excited, 00002
- Sound Pressure, 21003
- Sound propagation, 94036
- Sound propagation in the presence of wind and temperature gradients, 89036
- Sound radiation from circular ducts, 01015
- Sound Radiation From Dynamically Excited Orthotropic Flat Rectangular or Square Plate
- design curves for modal averaged radiation efficiency of simply-supported, 02009
- effect of coincidence frequency, 02009
- program for modal averaged radiation efficiency of simply-supported, 02009
- use of method for corrugated sandwich panels through equivalent orthotropy, 02009
- use of method for honeycomb sandwich panels through equivalent orthotropy, 02009
- use of method for ribbed (integrally stiffened) panels through equivalent orthotropy, 02009
- validation of method, 02010
- Static-to-flight effects, 87011
- Turbine noise, 12001
- see also
- Fan Noise
- Noise/sound Propagation
- Attenuation in Circular- or Rectangular-Section Ducts, 81043
- at 90? bends, lined or unlined, 81043
- at outlets, 81043
- effect of external lagging and internal lining, 81043
- Attenuation in Plenum Chambers, 82002
- Cylindrical Silencers With or Without Central Pod
- airflow generated noise, 82002
- static insertion loss, 82002
- total pressure loss, 82002
- Design Considerations for Acoustic Control, 82001
- Duct Vibration and Rumble Noise, 81043
- Flanking Transmission Prediction, 81043
- Flow Generated Noise
- dampers, 81043
- grilles with double or single deflection, 81043
- square section 90? bends with or without splitters, 81043
- sudden or gradual contractions, 81043
- T-junctions, 81043
- General Discussion of Effect of Lining and Use of Silencers, 82002
- Introduction to Acoustics for, 82001
- Noise Breakout, 81043
- Noise Limiting Curves to Define Sound Pressure Level Over Frequency Range
- noise criterion and noise rating curves and their definitions, 82001
- Rectangular Splitter Silencers
- airflow generated noise, 82002
- static insertion loss, 82002
- total pressure loss, 82002
- Room Sound Pressure Level Prediction, 81043
- Typical Absorption Values for Various Room Surface Materials and Fittings, 82001
- Typical Room Reverberation Times and Their Use in Prediction, 82001
- Worked Example on Use of Prediction Methods, 82003
- Use to Define Sound Pressure Level Over Frequency Range
- noise criterion and noise rating curves and their definitions, 82001
- Buzz-Saw Tones
- far-field, 75020
- within intake duct due to supersonic fan, 75020
- Coaxial Static Subsonic Jet Far-Field
- see also
- Noise/sound Propagation
- database, 11002
- program to interpolate in or extrapolate database, 11002
- Compressors in Turbo-Fan or Turbo-Jet Engines
- far-field with or without inlet guide vanes, single- or multi-stage, 98008
- Discrete Frequency Far- and Near-Field for Single Propeller With Axial or Non-Axial Inflow (Static/Flight)
- estimation of unsteady lift coefficient for input to prediction program, 96027
- program for estimation from steady or unsteady loading data, 11005
- Discrete Frequency Far-Field for Single Propeller/Rotor
- graphical estimation of maximum component of rotational noise, 76020
- Fans in Turbo-Fan Engines
- far-field with or without inlet guide vanes, single- or multi-stage, 98008
- Far-Field Radiation Pattern From Open End of Unflanged Hard-Walled Cylindrical Duct
- effect of external flow parallel to axis, 01015
- multi-mode source assuming equal energy in each mode, 01015
- multi-mode source assuming specified modes and amplitudes, 01015
- multi-mode source using distribution of mono- or di-poles, 01015
- single or multi-mode sources, 01015
- variation forwards of aft with angle from duct axis and distance, 01015
- Prediction of Airframe Noise Component-by-Component
- program for aeroplanes not propeller powered, 90023
- Shielding Effect of Two Identical SIngle-Stream Parallel Jets
- program for estimation, 88023
- Single-Stream Static Jet Near-Field, 72002, 99006
- see also
- Noise/sound Propagation
- databases, 99006
- program for interpolation in or extrapolation of database, 99006
- Single-Stream Static Subsonic Jet Far-Field
- database, 98019
- program to interpolate in or extrapolate database, 98019
- use of data to predict under flight conditions, 87011
- Turbulent Boundary Layer
- surface pressure fluctuations, 75021, TM 58
- Correction of Measurements for Atmospheric Attenuation
- broad-band noise, 78003
- discrete frequency noise, 78002
- Correction of Measurements for Ground Reflection, 94035, 94036
- basis of theory, 94035
- discussion of effect of distributed sources, 94035
- effect of real filter characteristics, 94035
- effect of source velocity, 94035
- effect of turbulence on coherence of direct and reflected waves, 94035
- ground impedance two-parameter model for use in prediction, 94035
- minimisation by choice of microphone height, 94035
- sensitivity of results to choice of parameters in ground impedance and turbulence models, 94035
- Correction of Measurements for Temperature and/or Wind Gradients Near Ground
- program, 89036
- Correction of Measurements of Propagation Close to Ground
- atmospheric attenuation, spherical spreading and ground reflection, 94036
- Estimation of Attenuation Due to Barriers
- program, 79011
- Estimation of Lateral Attenuation in Subjective Units
- aircraft with rear-fuselage turbo-fan or turbo-jet engines Addendum, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- aircraft with underwing turbo-fan or turbo-jet engines Addendum, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- Estimation of Sound Power Attenuation in Lined Annular or Rectangular Straight Ducts
- ducts with liners on one wall, opposite walls or all four walls, 00024
- ducts with sections having liners with different impedances, 00024
- including effect of subsonic flow and boundary layer velocity profile, 00024
- program, 00024
- Estimation of Sound Power Attenuaton in Lined Circular Straight Ducts
- ducts with sections having liners with different impedances, 00012
- including effects of subsonic flow and boundary layer velocity profile, 00012
- program, 00012
- with various modal structures including effect of fan/stator interaction, 00012
- Estimation of Third-Octave Pressures Due to Lateral Attenuation
- aircraft with rear-fuselage turbo-fan or turbo-jet engines, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- aircraft with underwing turbo-fan or turbo-jet engines, 82027, 82027 Addendum
- Speed of Sound
- use in temperature measurement, 02006
- Table of One-Third Octave Frequency Bands Due to Atmospheric Attenuation
- geometric centre, lower and upper frequencies, 78003
- Transmission of Vibrational Power Through Lightweight Structures
- Acoustic and Vibration Techniques, 91027
- Advantages and Limitations of Various Methods, 91027
- Applications of Various Methods, 91027
- Detection Capability of Various Methods, 91027
- Eddy Current Methods, 91027
- Endoscopy Methods, 91027
- Liquid Penetrant Methods, 91027
- Magnetic Field and Particle Methods, 91027
- Probabilistic Nature, 91027
- Radiographic Methods, 91027
- Selection of Appropriate Method, 91027
- Ultrasonic Methods, 91027
- Use of for In-Service Inspection or During Manufacture, 91027
- Use of Stress Jacking, 91027
- Visual Examination Methods, 91027
- Characterisation by Viscometric Measurements
- see
- Viscometers
- Classification by Flow Curve Under Steady Shear
- Bingham plastic, 95012, 97034
- shear-thickening or dilatant, 95012, 97034
- shear-thinning or pseudoplastic, 95012, 97034
- viscoplastic or yield-pseudoplastic, 95012, 97034
- Classification by Phase Condition as Homogeneous or Pseudohomogeneous, 95012, 97034
- determination of whether settling or non-settling for pipeline design, 95012
- Classification by Rheological Type
- time-dependent behaviour of thixotropic or viscoelastic, 95012, 97034
- Constitutive Equations to Model Flow Curves
- Bingham plastic, 91025, 95012, 97034
- Casson, 97034
- Cross, 97034
- Herschel-Bulkley, 91025, 97034
- Metzner-Reed generalised method, 91025
- power law, 91025, 97034
- Typical Flow Behaviour of Real Under Range of Shear Rates, 97034
- Typical Range of Shear Rates in Various Flow Processes, 97034
- Typical Variation of Viscosity With Shear Rate
- effect of concentration, molecular weight and temperature for polymeric, 97034
- effect of concentration on particulate, 97034
- see
- Statistics
- Bodies of General Cross Section
- elliptical, 05015
- square with corner rounding, 07005
- square without corner rounding, 04007
- triangular without corner rounding, 04007
- Controls, AERO F.05.01.01
- Flaps, AERO F.05.01.01
- Flat Plates Inclined to Flow
- circular, 70015
- elliptical, 70015
- rectangular, 70015
- semi-elliptical, 70015
- square, 70015
- triangular, 70015
- Flat Plates Normal to Flow
- annular, 70015
- circular, 70015
- effect of turbulence, 70015
- elliptical, 70015
- interference effects between parallel pair, 70015
- perforated, 70015
- rectangular, 70015
- semi-elliptical, 70015
- shear flow effects on rectangular, 70015
- square, 70015
- triangular, 70015
- Forebody-Cylinders With Boat-Tailing
- incidences to 90? and Mach numbers to 5, 87033, 89014, 90034
- Forebody-Cylinders Without Boat-Tailing
- incidences to 90? and Mach numbers to 5, 89014, 90034
- Grid Constructed of Flat Strips Normal to Flow, 70015
- In Plane of Single or Contra-Rotating Propellers at Low Forward Speeds
- due to local angle of attack, 89047
- Sharp-Edged Delta, Cropped Delta and Rectangular Wings of Low Aspect Ratio
- in combination with axisymmetric body in supersonic flow to high angles of attack, 91042
- isolated in subsonic flow to high angles of attack below stall, 93034
- isolated in supersonic flow to high angles of attack, 90013
- Sharp-Edged Low Aspect Ratio Wings Mid-Set on Axisymmetric Body
- cruciform or monoplane, angle of attack to 60? in supersonic flow, 91042
- Slender Wings
- increment due to ground effect, 71007
- non-linear effects in free air, 71006
- Spherically-Blunted Cone and Tangent Ogive Forebodies Due to Pressure Only
- at low angles of attack and transonic speeds, 89033
- Two-Dimensional Circular-Section Cylinders Inclined to Flow, 80025
- distributed roughness effects, 80025
- turbulence effects, 80025
- Two-Dimensional Stranded Cables Inclined to Flow, 80025
- see also
- Lift-Curve Slope
- see
- Melting Point
- see also
- Response of Buildings and Structures
- Response of Structures
- equation for calculating response of buildings to wind loads, 77032, 83009, 91001
- introduction to use in calculation, 77032, 97033
- use in calculating response of cylinders to vortex shedding, 96030
- use in calculating response to turbulence, 87035, 88019, 89049
- Use in Calculating Deformation of Flexible Aircraft, 99033
- see
- Shock Waves
- see
- Hinge Moment
- Effect on Fatigue Strength
- see also
- Aluminium Alloys
- Austenitic Stainless Steels
- Fatigue Under Variable Amplitude Loading
- High Tensile Low Alloy Steels
- Maraging Steels
- Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels
- Stress Concentration
- Titanium Alloy (Ti-4Al-4Mo-2Sn-0.5Si)
- Titanium Alloy (Ti-5Al-2.5Sn)
- Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)
- Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn)
- effect of mean stress, FAT A.00.02
- effect of scale, 87016
- Fatigue Strength Reduction Factors, 75022
- Stress Concentration Data
- Wings
- Stress Concentration Due to Tensile Loading
- stress concentration factors for fillets and optimised shape fillets in large plates, 15006
- Axial Load or Bending
- stress concentration data, 09014
- Axial Load
- stress concentration data, 79008
- see also
- Turbo-Fan and Turbo-Jet Engines
- Compressible Flow Equations and Curves
- Convergent Nozzle in Altitude Test Facility, TM 189
- Use of Liners to Attenuate Noise Transmission
- Vectored-Jet-Thrust Aircraft
- Pressure Drop Across, 66030
- Noise Rating
- Rectangular External-Compression Double-Ramp Intakes
- limiting Mach number on second ramp, 75005
- see also
- Double Lock Nuts
- Steel
- fatigue strength under axial load, 84037
- see also
- Inverse Nyquist Diagram
- Approximation by Circle-Fit to Frequency Response Measurements
- determination of undamped natural frequency and damping of modes, 90006, 93016
- Explanation With Worked Example, 74021
- Use in Control System Assessment and Design
- advantages and limitations, 81008
- examples in practical situations, 81040
- flowchart, 81008
- Use to Estimate Characteristic Equation Roots, 74021